The Europlanet Science Congress (EPSC) is a major European meeting on planetary science and consists of talks, workshops and posters. For the 2021 edition a call has been launched for a session on 'The role of citizen science in scientific research: across disciplines and beyond scientists'.
Papers from scientists, educators and those who design, facilitate or evaluate citizen science projects are invited to cover topics including methodology, outreach and transformative approaches.

The MOSAIC project - Mission-Oriented SWafS to Advance Innovation through Co-creation - is a new SWafS call coordinated by Stickydot . The project explores a Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI ) approach to Open Innovation, involving a range of different stakeholders. The project will do this in a chosen ecosystem (city or metropolitan area), which will be focused on climate-neutral and smart cities, linking it to the Horizon Europe Mission.

An upcoming workshop as part of the French Presidency of the Council of the EU will be dedicated to civic engagement in the EU Missions, specifically in the Mission on climate-neutral and smart cities.

This week MOSAIC ran its first webinar with the cities that applied to its call, which will be followed by another in January, as well as one-to-one support before the EoI deadline closes.