This new video gives an overview of how the project is working to find the best ways to ensure the active participation of multiple stakeholders, including citizens, in mission-orientated settings.

The annual conference organised by DG ECFIN and the Joint Research Centre (JRC) will take place in November this year under the theme 'charting the European economy post-COVID-19: unusual times require unconventional policies'.
The conference brings together European Institutions, researchers, academic institutions, think tanks, civil society and citizens to discuss and exchange on the latest research developments.
Learn more and register here.

The 2021 edition of the European Week of Regions and Cities will bring other regions and cities from across Europe for the biggest annual event dedicated to cohesion policy.
Four themes will structure the 2021 edition: cohesion, green transition, digital transition and citizen's engagement, all under the overarching heading 'together for recover'.
Selected events from the programme that MOSAIC is especially looking for include:

MOSAIC has launched its call for cities to benefit from the project's expertise in mission-orientated approaches and open innovation in the context of the Cities Mission.

The European Commission has published its Info Kit for Cities, full of comprehensive information about the Mission 100 Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities by 2030.
The Info Kit is divided into two parts, the first focuses on understanding the Cities Mission , while the second is a 'short guide to urban climate neutrality.'

The SeeRII project's final conference, 'Bringing RRI into regional planning: from theory to SeeRRI', will take place in Barcelona in September 2021.
Since 2019 the project has been working with European regional policymakers to explore responsible regional planning practices that can be used by regional governments.
A call for posters for the conference is now open. Posters should showcase projects and practices implemented at the territorial level dealing with RRI.

The Horizon Europe Missions have officially launched, including the Mission on Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities. MOSAIC is currently developing its Open Innovation methodology, which it will test in cities working on reaching the goals of this ambitious mission.

The ORION Open Science Conference will take place in September to discuss and share achievements and lessons learnt thanks to the ORION project, which ran from 2017 to 2021.
The project focuses on ambitions around opening up the ways in which we organise and conduct life science research by creating and testing engagement methods, funding schemes, training materials and co-creation activities to engage the public in science.

European Researchers' Night is a Europe-wide public event that showcases the diversity of science and its daily impact on citizen's lives. Activities under the event fun and inspiring ways to:

A ceremony this September will celebrate the increasing number of signatories of the Green City Accord. The agreement sees local authorities commit to ambitious environmental goals by 2030, relating to air, water, nature, biodiversity, circular economy, waste and noise.
The ceremony will feature mayors, local leaders and stakeholders, as well as European Commissioner for the environment, oceans and fisheries.
Learn more here.