Objectives of the phase
- To generate ideas for solutions for the selected challenge and to make sure they are not only innovative, but also represent an added value for all those involved and for the city overall
(the common good and the mission objectives).
- To step beyond the obvious solutions and increase the innovation potential of the solution
through co-innovation.
- To prototype tangible and concrete products, services or organisational structures.
- To test such solutions (if time allows) by allowing users to experiment and interact with the
prototype to assess the functions and scope of the product or service, providing a focusedfeedback loop for users

1. Ideation: ideation uses creativity and innovation in order to develop solutions to the challenge at hand. Examples of activities that take place during the workshops are: I.e. working on user personas and user journeys, fast sketching exercises, reverse brainstorming activities, and workshops designed to get a better understanding of the environment you are in.
2. Prototyping: during the prototyping phase, the teams will develop an early sample, model or release of a product created to test and be discussed by the different users and assess their features and usability. Teams will start with the development of lo-fi general prototypes of the solutions. They will be asked to prototype the solution in its entirety but the level of detail will be low. Teams will also be invited to identify what element of their prototype is the most problematic or crucial to be further developed during Round For this second round, teams will be asked to focus on one crucial element of the prototype that will be key in its success or failure.