Ensuring that access to information on air quality and health is immediate, reliable and up-to-date in order to enable citizens to adopt appropriate lifestyles and tools. This is the challenge addressed in the MOSAIC Gathering by the Giannino Bassetti Foundation with the support of the Municipality of Milan.

Air pollution is a highly critical environmental problems in one of the most dynamic and polluted global cities in Europe as Milan is, with relevant effects on the health of inhabitants and the environment. Measured data show that concentrations of harmful elements such as nitrogen dioxide (NO2), atmospheric particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5) and ozone (O3) are high in the metropolitan area and exceed the values set by European regulations and World Health Organisation guidelines.

As MOSAIC advocates for a strong role for co-creation in the Horizon Europe Mission 100 Climate-neutral European cities by 2030, our team framed this environmental health topic in the Milan Air and Climate Plan (Piano Aria Clima), the policy document that locally addresses the Mission.

In this strategic plan - developed by the Municipality through a process of public deliberation - mitigation and adaptation activities are addressed in order to: reduce air pollution, contribute to the prevention of climate change and define adaptation strategies for the territory, while respecting the principles of health and safety rights, equity and justice, and considering the priority criteria of social inclusion and the protection of the vulnerable population groups.

In addition to reference scenarios concerning the reduction of air pollution (by 2030, implement local actions to reduce CO2 emissions by 45% compared to 2005), the Plan contains measures to increase information, awareness-raising and awareness-creation initiatives, encouraging more correct and environment-friendly lifestyles.

On these bases, MOSAIC wants to facilitate a co-creation pathway that aims to the proposal of a product or service proposed capable to solve our challenge.

Hosted in the beautiful setting of the Castello Sforzesco, on the 3rd of March around 60 people gathered together representing the Quadruple Helix, namely Municipality representatives, citizens and CSOs, research institutions and industries. After an introduction to share objectives and data, the local stakeholders discussed the problems and opportunities offered by the topic of evidence-based information on air pollution and health. At the end of the day, three groups composed of all the components of the Quadruple Helix were formed. In the next weeks, supported by the MOSAIC partners, they will proceed independently to the construction of a product or service that will give substance to the challenge.